The Best of 90’S/EARLY 2000’S FEMALE R&B Red Carpet Trends
I’ll never forget being 7 years-old in chicago, riding home from school and listening to b96 unabashedly repeat aaliyah’s “try again”, k.p. & envyi’s “swing my way”, and of course tlc’s “no scrubs”. or going to my friend’s house on saturdays and gushing over destiny’s child’s the writing’s on the wall. women’s r&b and rap music had its moment in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, and paved the way for so many more iconic bops to come.
these talented artists weren’t just making statements on the charts though, they were also expressing who they were through what they wore, especially on the red carpet. whether they repped a brand favorite with logo mania, showed off their amazing body in a bikini top as a top, or shared a statement with their fans (tlc taping condoms to their outfits to promote safe sex), these legends had our attention.
behold a collection of some of my favorite late 90’s/early 2000s r&b style trends and how these queens rocked them (many overlapping) from am to pm
1. bandana with long hair
I’ve had short- to medium-length hair practically my entire life, and I always wanted long hair for several reasons including this look. the bandana (especially with the sunglasses) perfectly complements long hair. I love this accessory, especially when you’re trying to look a little different from your trio.
2. matching (but not 100%)
this is without a doubt the first trend we think of when visualizing music group style, especially for destiny’s child and tlc. many of the takes on matching I was not a fan of (particularly those involving lace and a certain american flag print - google it), however I love these examples because it’s matching without being 100% identical. a shirt hue or style can make all the difference against skin tone or frame shape, so why put everyone in the exact same look when it truly may only compliments one person of the three? check it.
3. tiny top, big pants
if you didn’t realize that a flat, exposed tummy was a necessary accessory for every single one of these artists, you haven’t been paying attention. in order to properly compliment said accessory, many chose the route of a small top with large, loose pants (particularly of the nylon variety). I love this look because it’s sexy, comfortable, and very hip-hop. you can go right from the red carpet to the stage for a dance number and not worry about a thing. good thing most of these babes were in LA or else this look would be very cold most of the time.
4. white out
who doesn’t love a monochromatic look? all-white outfits are great for standing out while not taking yourself too seriously. they make any skin tone pop, especially the likes of these beautiful women of color. all-white outfits were a nod to the icy, sleek, techy nucleus that was at the core of the new millennium aesthetic. while not everyone was on board with cerulean or silver, white they could get behind. it brings winter to summer and summer to winter - making it a look surpassing time. we shouldn’t even be calling it a trend - it was and continues to remain: a look.
5. criss cross
I gotta keep it real - I did not realize this was such a trend until I was neck deep in my research. and now all I’ll say is: ashanti’s stylist was a very big fan of this trend
honorable mention: sparkly cowl-neck halter tops
this is quite honestly my favorite trend from this time period, worn by all kinds of celebrities not just r&b artists. most trends of this time were not subtle, including this one; it’s sexy and gives off full leo vibes which is 100% my vibe. it left us for a sad short while, until kendall jenner brought it back with her take on the famous birthday dress worn by paris hilton 15 years earlier. stunning. okay please excuse me while I go hunt for one of these on depop, my wardrobe is practically begging me at this point.